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Ok, I take the bait. So, according to Mr. Craig, those early UT mormons were perfectly justified in the savage way they slaughtered those men, women, and kids, and how they used the lowest form of trickery to go about it. Robert Joseph Scianna Jr., a 25 year old coach and choreographer with a large international fanbase, was arrested Wednesday in Virginia and charged with felony counts of taking indecent liberties with a child and using an electronic communication device to solicit sex, according to the Chesterfield County Police Department. Police said he arranged to meet a juvenile whom he met through a social media platform for sex. Scianna could not be reached Friday for comment..

In September he will fly to LA to work on his seventh album. It will include his latest hit, which features Justin Bieber, formerly derided as a teen pop brat, now lauded as a credible A lister. Got a lot of shit for his career for a bit, which I guess comes with success for anyone.

Their imaginations are fecund, too, both in their perversions of the Koran and in the means with which they intend to slaughter innocents. And as CIA spymaster Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin) stood charged of colluding with the Israelis, the United States actually did release prison Jonathan Pollard, the intelligence officer who’d passed classified information to the Israelis, an act that for decades has cast suspicion on Jews within the American intelligence community. The Russians were doing everything to make sure that the Americans could do nothing about Syrian despot Bashar al Assad; the Europeans sat in their cafs, not quite oblivious, but not quite as anxious as we have been since that morning 15 years ago..

Senate, she “has literally never served in the majority before so she feels the minority pain,” Politico reports. Her Democratic colleagues “sense that Sinema is a team player regardless of her unique views,” but “she still keeps Republicans at least as close as members of her own party,” and she listens more than talks, Politico reports. You can read more about “one of the most quirky and interesting members of the stodgy Senate” including her colorful wigs, deep purple and leopard print office decor, and friendship with Sen.

One species, the Moor frog, may have gone locally extinct. A model of relative resistance to amphibian dispersal was created for different landscape types, on a scale from 0 (low resistance) to 1 (high resistance). This generated values of 0.23 for pasture, 0.72 for arable and 0.98 for urban and transport.

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