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Cmdr. Darlene M. Iskra was installed as commander of the salvage vessel USS Opportune on Thursday after Cmdr. (Privacy Policy)Index ExchangeThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)SovrnThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Facebook AdsThis is an ad network.

Highlights: PFAS and the future of Well 15 will be discussed Monday by the Water Quality Technical Advisory Committee. Both the Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee and the Historic Preservation Plan Committee meet this week. A white paper from Planning Division staff “Equitable Development in Madison: An assessment of factors contributing to displacement and gentrification” will be presented at the Economic Development Commission and Housing Strategy Committee.

Circles are so confusing that Ross Mayfield created the Slideshare below to explain it all. Facebook has a sharing model where two people mutually confirm that they are friends, and then can start sharing stuf with each other privately or publicly. Twitter has an follow model where people Tweet out publicly and anyone can follow what they are broadcasting without that person necessarily following back.

Information gathered at the community engagement meetings and through the public survey will be the first step in a process of potentially updating or changing the current ordinance. Parks Long Range Planning Committee began considering this project earlier in 2018. With guidance from the public, the LRP will send recommendations for review to the Board of Park Commissioners and Madison Common Council..

Slippery patches will likely develop and will impact commuting throughout Sunday and Monday. All roadway users are encouraged to be cautious and make good choices. Please allow for extra travel time on your commutes, and leave plenty of space between yourself and the commuter in front of you when you brake.

An anti apoptotic effect is observed in MDA MB 231 cells, where the effect was proteasome dependent. This was also the case in this situation. The anti apoptotic effect is related to levels of phosphorylated ERK1/2, where high levels are pro apoptotic.

Staff recommends that the Landmarks Commission find that the property at 719 Jenifer Street is undergoing demolition by neglect as defined in Chapter 41. However, if based on the testimony and discussion at the public hearing, the Landmarks Commission is highly confident that the property owner will secure a Certificate of Appropriateness and make the necessary repairs in an expedited timeframe, the Landmarks Commission could refer this matter to a future meeting. Staff would recommend that Landmarks Commission defer their consideration to the matter to the May 17 commission meeting to monitor the progress, and set a date for the final consideration at that time..

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