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How in the name of S. Claus can it be December again? Seems like the Santa Ana winds just tuckered themselves out a few blinks ago, and here it is time to reach deep into the PayPal wallet to find some eye grabbing beads and baubles to shower upon your loved ones, friends and, yes, even those dubious characters you need to keep close, just in case. As has been said by a garden variety wit: Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends.

For example, just look at the US. After the draft is eliminated, no American care about their country forever wars all over the world, bombing and killing tons of people, because the war barely affect them. Same for the rest of redditors, as long as their lives are not on the line, it is just a way of venting outrage and feeling morally superior..

Is still the only country to successfully land on Mars, beginning with the 1976 Vikings. Two spacecraft are still active on the surface: Curiosity and InSight. Smashed Russian and European spacecraft litter the Martian landscape, meanwhile, along with NASA’s failed Mars Polar Lander from 1999.

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That recommendation for approval was forwarded to the Common Council the following night (Tuesday) where I asked my colleagues to join me in voting no to the proposed zoning change needed for the project to move forward. Several area residents including Emily B., Gila Shoshany, Stuart Glosser, and John Martens registered and spoke eloquently at the meeting against a proposal that they felt was not in the best interest of the neighborhood. You can watch their testimony and the subsequent discussion here.

This is an incredibly nave and ignorant way to think about the market. People who believe this lose their shirts. How hard exactly do you think it is to do a DCF or read a balance sheet? Do you realize how much money circulates the world within equity, credit, commodity, and other structured product markets? Do you think it is just a bunch of idiots putting that money to work? The rude awakening that most people get when they start investing is that the market is, contrary to what value investors want you to believe, actually pretty efficient.

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