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He sleeps in his office. He does his own makeup each morning for TV appearances. He prefers Uber Eats to the potential blowback he might receive while trying to dine out around town. I am cosponsoring an amendment for the Crowley Station (9): Add $50,000 in the Water Utility Facility Improvements program for improvements to Crowley Station (Unit Well 17) facility. This increase will be funded by Water Utility Reserves. The proposed amendment increases funding in the Water Utility Facility Improvements program by $50,000 to fund improvements to Crowley Station (Unit Well 17), located on the Isthmus.

The week of December 12 has items of possible interest to residents of district 2 at the , the Public Safety Review Committee, the Common Council Organizational Committee Subcommittee on Police Community Relations, the Urban Design Commission, and the . The city meeting agenda items are open for testimony from the public should you be interested in weighing in. I also appreciate hearing from you on any items on which you have a particular interest or concern so please send me an email or give me a call..

If you have been sleeping on the same mattress for over 8 years, it is time to get a new one. Different mattress types have varying lifespans: an innerspring mattress may last up 10 years if it is high quality and maintained. A memory foam mattress, depending on the material and thickness, can last up to 15 years with proper care.

But there only one flight in recent history that disappeared without a trace for as long as Malaysia 370 has. In 2007, it took a team of 3,600 people 10 days to locate Adam Air Flight 574 after it crashed into the sea near Sulawesi Island in Indonesia, and it took even more time to figure out the cause of the crash (pilot error and a faulty navigation device).No discernible patterns emerge on this map, besides the fact that the most commonly disappeared plane model is the Douglas DC 3 of which have gone missing that five aircraft were swallowed up in or around the supposedly paranormal Bermuda Triangle. What does that teach us, other than that the paranoid should perhaps avoid flying on DC 3s over the Bermuda Triangle?The history of flight disappearances suggests that even if Flight 370 isn located in the near future, it could resurface decades down the line.

I am a proud that Madison signed on to the amicus brief with over 30 other cities to challenge the travel ban. I was a proud sponsor of legistar 45903 A Resolution Condemning Recent Executive Orders, Reaffirming the City of Madison as an Open and Welcoming City, and Confirming the City’s Policies on Federal Immigration Laws? adopted by the Madison Common Council February 7, 2017. I look forward to representing all of our city’s residents unapologetically and unambiguously.