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While mental health and wellness programs are essential mainstays in keeping our employees properly centered and positive, don’t ever underestimate the value of what it means to these officers to receive positive feedback from our constituents! Who doesn’t like to be affirmed in their work from time to time?!! When an officer receives a thumbs up, a “thank you,” a card, an email or a phone call placed to a supervisor, it means a lot and validates the incredible effort it takes to do this job. It’s easy to find fault. ..

Only water and places that are hard to read are still dirty and dusty af. Now more bathrooms have soap because of covid but Japanese people barely use it. They sneeze into their hands or don’t cover their mouth at all and then touch everything. In addition, all of the recombinant proteins in film format supported the growth and proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Importantly, the presence of the VTK domain enhanced osteoinductive properties 2 up to 3 fold compared to the control (silk alone without VTK). Therefore, silk VTK fusion proteins have been shown suitable for mineralization and functionalization for specific biomedical applications..

Sous vide honey 140 F before after. Amateur beekeeper just came here to let you know if your honey crystallizes, can use your sous vide set up (no higher than 140F) to get honey back in to “solution”, without turning it dark like microwaving it will. According to this website and this website shouldn be heating the honey above 112 degrees Fahrenheit or you destroy the beneficial properties of the honey..

The nominator will be asked to submit his/her name, address, e mail address, age as well as the Nominee’s name and grade teaching, and in five hundred (500) words or less how the nominee has improved student achievement, used innovative strategies in the classroom, and/or is making a difference in the lives of their students. All other Alternate Entries will be void. Only one Alternate Entry per envelope.

She good at spicing things up and keeping people on their toes. I considering intentionally getting the party into a near TPK experience with Strahd where Eva steps in last minute and saves them, potentially even dying in the act, using high level spells to make the party realize she was far more than what she appeared to be. Unfortunately that doesn help at all with divulging backstory but I may just have to “book club” that info when we finish the game.