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Cheers: To high school athletics. There are no games yet, because of the coronavirus pandemic, but there is news in high school sports. Most notable is that practices began this week for traditional fall sports, including football, although the schedule for games has not been set.

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Palin scares me. No one wants to fight a war with Russia because both America and Russia will loose. However, because she is a woman, she is trying to appear tough. Scientists say that while people who remain obese from childhood into adulthood were most at risk of dying, modest weight gains throughout a lifespan can increase the “probability of survival”. Experts said individuals who put on weight in later life often lived longer than those who remained trim. The findings were made following a study based on two generations of Americans followed over nearly seven decades.

A deeper look into the Paracel coral reef records showed that the fluctuation of temperature in the region matched well to the increase in solar activity in the period. They also noticed a significant drop in volcano activity in the region, which they said could have contributed to the warming by reducing the amount of light blocking particles in the atmosphere. Explainer South China Sea: the dispute that could start a military conflict Dating the start of climate change could have some real life implications, according to a Chinese government climate expert who was not involved in the Paracel study.

The merger created a jet of material travelling at near light speed that made the afterglow difficult to see. Though the jet slamming into surround material is what made the merger so bright, and easy to see, it also obscured the afterglow of the event. To see the afterglow, astrophysicists had to be patient..

It is very significant therefore that Kenny hasdecided to introduce causal mediation analysisto the community of SEM researchers which, until very recently, felt alienated from recentadvances in causal mediation analysis, primarily due tothe counterfactual vocabulary in which it was developedand introduced. With Kenny kind permission, I am posting his description below, because it is one of the few attemptsto explain causal inference in the languageof traditional SEM mediation analysis and, thus, it may serve to bridge thebarriers between the two communities.Next you can find Kenny new posting, annotated with my comments. In these comments,I have attempted to further clarify the bridges betweenthe two cultures; the and the will refer to the former as (for Baron and Kenny)and to the latter as (for lack of a betterword) although, conceptually, both BK and SEM are fundamentally causal.From Melanie Wall, University of Minnesota:I am teaching a course in latent variable modeling (to biostatistics and other public health students) and was yesterday introducing path analysis concepts including direct and indirect effects.I showed them how to calculate indirect effects by taking the product of direct paths.