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We do not trust this government; do not trust the Central Electoral Commission, which had been fooling us for ten days by concealing the victory. The entire government body today has been transformed into a machine for falsifications. It is fabricating voter lists, preparing widespread fraud via absentee ballots, organizing mass “add ins” of votes at voters’ homes, and substitution of election protocols at polling places..

“Stay off the roads once you get home. It could get a lot more dangerous.” As a result of the snow, many coronavirus testing sites have been closed. Many COVID 19 vaccination sites also closed Monday, with closures likely Tuesday, according to the state Department of Public Health.

Xu doesn want his freshly minted business to lose independence. “We don want to pick sides. We want to be able to work with Oppo and a whole lot of other brands. Just for his shirts, but his watches and glares too. Dials with metal straps on watches, Ray Ban Aviators and men perfumes are also favourite fashion accessories for the androgynous look. This is because men watches have a lot more variety.

Hong Kong lawyer and Democratic Party politician Albert Ho Chun yan, chairman of the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, said even if there were mainland lawyers willing to take on sensitive cases, they would be “very limited” in what they could do and would have to remain low key. He saw a clear message in the move to strip Lu and Ren of their practising licences. “The revocations are a retaliation against lawyers who exposed the deficiencies of the judicial system to the international community and discredited it in effect,” he said.

La diplomatie est de retour”, a lanc le nouveau prsident amricain, vendredi 5 fvrier. Joe Biden adresse son premier avertissement l birmane, qui a renvers, lundi 1er fvrier, le gouvernement civil par un coup d Le ton a chang envers la Russie Malgr les attentats quasiment quotidiens, Donald Trump avait dcid le dpart des 2 500 militaires amricains encore prsents en Afghanistan en mai prochain. Joe Biden n pas confirm ce choix, il se laisse du temps en raison du non respect des engagements pris par les Talibans.

Kylie Moore Gilbert, 33, has filed for divorce from Ruslan Hodorov, her Russian Israeli husband, according to the Herald Sun of Melbourne. The couple were wed in a traditional Jewish ceremony in 2017 after meeting a decade earlier in Israel. Ms Moore Gilbert spent 804 days in jail, after being accused of being a spy by the Iranians and sentenced to 10 years.