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Die substanzlosen Formen lassen sich zu jedem Inhalt in Beziehung setzen; in der romantischen Anarchie kann jeder sich seine Welt gestalten und jedes Wort zum Gef unendlicher Mglichkeiten machen. Wenn Novalis davon spricht, da er an die Gestalten von Brot und Wein glaube, so sollte man ihm keinen anderen Glauben entgegenbringen, as den, den er selbst hat: er mein nmlich, da Alles Brot und Wein sein kann. Er glaubt an die Bibel, aber jedes echte Buch ist eine Bibel, an das Genie, aber jeder Mensch ist ein Genie, an den Deutschen, aber Deutsche gibt es berall, die Deutschheit ist fr ihn, trotz des historischen Empfindens der Romantik, nicht auf Staat und Rasse beschrnkt; er rhmt die Antike, aber Antike ist berall, wo echter Geist ist; er bekennt sich als Royalisten und Monarchisten, aber alle Menschen sollen thronfhig werden’.” (Schmitt, 1919: 72f.).

Here are the top 10 points in this big story:On Tuesday morning government sources revealed details of the letter to Facebook; the letter detailed its concerns over privacy of user data in the social media giant’s largest market. “The new policy of WhatsApp proposes to share metadata of users’ chat with business accounts. Create a honeypot of information about users.

The Arkansas Times is putting its money where its mouth is by launching a year long philanthropic endeavor in 2014. Our departments have selected non profit service agencies they will help, with donations, volunteer hours, free advertising and the like. The production department has chosen the Thea Foundation, created by Paul and Linda Leopoulos to honor their daughter memory by promoting better teaching through the arts.

The smartphone supports LTE connectivity (Japan’s 4G LTE bands) apart from Bluetooth, Wi Fi, GPS/ A GPS, GPRS/ EDGE and 3G connectivity options. The HTC J Butterfly (HTV31) comes with a 2700mAh battery, which is same as the one found on HTC J Butterfly launched last year. The Taiwanese company notes that the HTC J Butterfly (HTV31) features quick charging.

Amblyopia is a developmental vision disorder. Essentially, your eye is weaker because the visual centers of the brain are underdeveloped. It underdeveloped because that part of the brain never received any good information from the eye while it was developing (as a child) either because it was pointed in the wrong direction, or the prescription was too high, there was a cataract or something else obscuring vision.

Is the clearest confirmation we received yet from Facebook about its plans for AR glasses. The product could be Facebook opportunity to own a mainstream computing device on which its software could run after a decade of being beholden to smartphones built, controlled and taxed by Apple and Google. For AR, Kirkpatrick told me, have no product to announce right now.

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