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I wonder how many liberals believe they would have such speech freedoms in other countries? Try saying bad things about Russia in Russia, same with China or Cuba. Why try to change such an unjust place when you can go to a country that is better. I wonder what country that would be?Credence2posted 22 months agoin reply to thisIgnoring the significance of race/religion etc.

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Shoebridge expresses a view both condescending and impotent, assuming that such Chinese efforts compromise PNG independence while confessing that Australia is powerless to prevent it. Canberra’s sense of ownership, in other words, is waning. In doing so, he shies away from the obvious and insidious point about how long in duration Australia has kept the umbilical cord to that unfortunate state functioning.

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And when we’re talking about flavors, we’re not talking about those kind of flavors. We’re talking about the cotton candy type of flavors. We steer away from any flavors that expressly go after a particular target market audience. “They’re afraid that the media is going to attack them for being pro Second Amendment, and there’s a lot of people up here who just aren’t bold and don’t want to take a stand for what it is our voters believe in,” Sabatini said. “They’d rather talk about and act upon less controversial issues. So they’re not in step with their voters.”.

In this paper, we show how dependent types allow this concern to be addressed. We present an implementation of FRP embedded in the dependently typed language Agda, leveraging the type system of the host language to craft a domain specific (dependent) type system for FRP. The implementation constitutes a discrete, operational semantics of FRP, and as it passes the Agda type, coverage, and termination checks, we know the operational semantics is total, which means our type system is safe..

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