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“Ray is someone who fits us as a shooter,” he said. “His championship pedigree fits us at a really high level. With James (Jones), Mike (Miller) and LeBron here, I think he feel comfortable with our group. Is still the only country to successfully land on Mars, beginning with the 1976 Vikings. Two spacecraft are still active on the surface: Curiosity and InSight. Smashed Russian and European spacecraft litter the Martian landscape, meanwhile, along with NASA’s failed Mars Polar Lander from 1999.

Berlin is the third most visited tourist destination in the EU. Since German reunification on 3 October 1990, it has been one of the three city states, together with Hamburg and Bremen, among the present sixteen states of Germany. The Bundesrat (“federal council”) is the representation of the Federal States (Bundeslnder) of Germany and has its seat at the former Prussian Herrenhaus (House of Lords).

The experience for new arrivals to Canada has changed greatly with the pandemic. Trained staff from the association, who speak the same language as newcomers, pick them up from the airport wearing masks in a vehicle divided by Plexiglas. They are briefed about restrictions and health measures from the start in their mother tongue.

There no doubt about it. Going public made Facebook focus more on making money. It went from nearly zero revenue on mobile to $375 million a quarter, or about 30% of its total ad revenue. The dumpers also drag a lot of loose soil and dirt onto the Eastern Express Highway every day resulting in either muck in rains or dust in summers/winters. The icing on the cake is, people travelling on this highway everyday get stuck at the toll and end up inhaling this dust and dirt. The government chooses to ignore this and we die a little everyday..

Under the scaffolded reopen, elementary school classes will be capped at 20 students per class. Middle and high school students will alternate between in person classes and online learning on an A/B schedule. A recent update from the district announced that high school students will be in class for only the first half the day..

All Halifax Regional Centre for Education schools will be closed on Monday. A news release from the HRCE said the decision was based on the weather forecast. HRCE offices will be closed until at least noon, according to the release. 9. 46519 Amending the 2017 Major Streets Capital Budget to reallign and appropriate $1,425,000 of TID 32 funding, $650,000 of Water Utility revenue bonds, and $1,000,000 of Sewer Utility revenue bonds to 2017 from out years of the adopted CIP to allow for the contracting of planned street construction projects funded by TID 32 and associated Utilities. The Board of Public Works is scheduled to consider this item on 04/05/2017..

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