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On Wednesday, Feb.10 at 6pm, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transportation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing to review and discuss proposed Metro service adjustments proposed for later in the year. Passengers are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposal. Consideration will be given to views and comments expressed at the public hearing as well as to all phone and written comments.

The reality of the situation for a vast, vast majority of undergraduate students right now, especially first years learning foundational content, is that of disorganization and a complete inability to adequately deliver an education which is comparable to traditional delivery. Classes were quickly adapted to online delivery, and students are left dealing with the sloppy transition. Who is most greatly impacted by this? First year students with no prior college experience..

When I talk to them about studying for chemistry, I tie it into how the skill will help them in the future outside of the classroom or in higher ed.We stopped assigning summer homework for AP Chem. The previous teacher assigned summer hw her first year, but very few people did it. She ended up making it extra credit and more students did it.

(Privacy Policy)AppNexusThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)OpenxThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Rubicon ProjectThis is an ad network. When professional health care is needed, new approaches have become more acceptable during the pandemic, Shrank said. Emergency room visits and hospital admissions declined precipitously (though not always wisely by people with symptoms of a heart attack). Noting that many patients can be treated effectively at home by a visiting nurse, Shrank said, “No one wants to go to the hospital or a rehab facility if there’s a good alternative.”DeSantis, others at Super Bowl in Tampa don’t follow mask requirementIf there is a silver lining to the pandemic, it likely lies in the glaring inadequacies and inefficiencies it exposed in American medicineJudge denies Publix’s bid to toss lawsuit over worker’s COVID 19 death..

Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty ImagesFor the former prime minister Theresa May, one of the most pressing matters she confronted during her encounter with Donald Trump a few days after his inauguration went beyond mere diplomacy.May had travelled to Washington in 2017 with the intention of persuading the new US president to make a supportive statement about Nato. Little did she expect that she would be calling her husband, Philip, to warn him that images of the US president of holding her hand as they walked through the White House would soon be flashing around the world.With Trump out of power, those who had ringside seats during four years of dangerous and often chaotic foreign policy are now describing their often bruising encounters in a major new documentary series.The three part BBC series, Trump Takes on the World, by the award winning documentary maker Norma Percy, reveals extraordinary access to key observers of the president.With testimony from a who’s who of world leaders and senior US officials, it offers an unmediated reflection of Trump shorn of political hypocrisies.It was not just May who found Trump unsettling: to European diplomatic observers, he seemed a “strange creature”. And he also triggered alarm among some American officials in the room with him, with one defence official noting that the president’s notoriously short attention span suggested a “squirrel careening through the traffic”.May’s encounter with Trump, which is described to Percy by British aides as well as Trump insiders, was a taste of what was to come.

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