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the christian science monitor daily for may 17

“This realization led Steve to instill a culture of education and empowerment at Harvest to provide patients not only with much needed products, but also resources and support,” the message reads. “To that end, Harvest hosts monthly seminars to educate patients and customers about medical marijuana and has devoted considerable resources to building relationships with and providing support to local community organizations. Harvest has also donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in funds and resources to local charitable groups, veterans, seniors, and patients in need.”.

The City of Toronto issued an extreme cold weather alert on Sunday as it braces for frigid temperatures for the next 24 hours. The Office of Emergency Management, in consultation with the city Medical Officer of Health, issued the alert Sunday morning based on Environment Canada forecast. Environment Canada says Toronto residents can expect a high of 4 C during the day with a significant temperature drop in the evening to about 19 C with the wind chill.

“Alberta is very secure, stable, connected to a big market,” said Masson, former head of the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission. “We can easily be a good part of that energy mix going forward.” Energy transition its way But if fuel and oil demand is squeezed, the big challenge for Canadian oilsands producers may be to be cost competitive in a global market while also facing environmental scrutiny from investors. Phase two of the plan is slated to begin in April.

Since the beginning of COVID 19, we have prioritised employee safety above all else and we will continue to do so. There is a very small population of employees in India who have opted in to voluntarily return to the office to provide critical content moderation services. We continue to reinforce that this is strictly voluntary and employees deciding not to return to the office will see no impact whatsoever on benefits, pay, or status.

The same should be said for websites, and these days it is for most. Reddit, however, seems to be deliberately hostile to new users. Their onboarding process is virtually non existent and they shroud the majority of their features in a bunch of terrible UI that means most users will never attempt to use them.

Sonya said she told Martin about the camera she had found after he had moved out. Martin told her that he had the videos on his hard drive and that he saw her, her daughters and other family members on the videos. She said he would try to get her to meet him so he would give them back but she wouldn She said he kept saying he was things out and that he would Dan pay.

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