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The City of Madison, Engineering Division, will be holding a public meeting to discuss the removal of three deteriorating steel bulkheads on the Yahara Place Park shoreline. The proposal is to replace two bulkheads with rock riprap and one with a canoe launch. The proposed launch will be made of cut limestone steps 20 feet in length, similar to the launch upriver of the Rutledge St.

In February and March, Kipp excavated soil on their property as part of an installation of a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. The SVE system is part of an interim action approved by DNR to help remove vapor from soils in and around the Kipp plant, and from migrating off the property. The SVE system consists of nine extraction wells located in a line along the eastern Kipp property boundary..

As a Principle Investigator, Dr. Strumban has been awarded several grants from NIH, SBIR and DOE. Dr. Senior Democrats to unveil $3,000 per child benefit as Biden stimulus gains steamThe House is expected to pass the relief bill by the end of February, with the Senate to follow. Democrats want to get the relief package signed into law by mid March, because that’s when enhanced unemployment benefits will expire without congressional action.Yellen offered some details in an appearance Sunday on “Face the Nation” about what to expect in that package, saying it will encompass infrastructure development, education and job training, climate change, and measures to improve economic competitiveness and grow job creation.Asked whether her ultimate goal is for the United States to have a mandated national family leave and child care policy something many other industrialized nations already offer Yellen said: “It’s certainly something that President Biden is interested in.”On Feb. 7, lawmakers and members of President Biden Cabinet prepared for a week packed with an impeachment trial and coronavirus relief talks.

King’s spirit recruited me to Morehouse. I was born a year after his death, but I was inspired by him early on,” Warnock told the Grio. “I wanted to be in this place that focused not only on information but inspiration; focused not only on training the head but tuning the heart toward the goal of making a difference in the world.”.

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