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This is not something to worry about with the Eufy RoboVac 11S, as it automatically returns to its charging base when power is low, ensuring it’s always charged and ready to vacuum. It also cleans for up to 100 minutes per charge, so you get to enjoy a completely clean home from a single charge. That’s the idea, anyway..

But the FTC draws the line at objective claims: specific promises for specific, measurable, tangible results. You simply can’t say your $20 candle cures cancer, even if you really, truly believe it does. (To further complicate things, if you say a product cures, treats or aids any physical ailment, it’s automatically classified as a drug and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.).

It been interesting to watch his style evolve. In his earlier managerial days, he had a more casual style. Today he is impeccably tailored in bespoke suits. Then the Japanese and Europeans gradually began teaching American consumers that even the simplest product, like a coffee maker or a tape deck, could work well and look smashing. The balance has started to shift as Ford, Corning Glass, Nike, and other top American corporations awaken to the fact that good design pays. Pinning down what constitutes excellence in design can be as tricky as explaining why a Degas painting is so moving.

Harris, it seems, was able to ease some of those concerns with her public vaccination, and she also has reportedly pressed President Biden and his advisers in private to focus on how their policies will ensure less advantaged people in both urban and rural settings are protected against the virus. “The vice president pushed us hard, in a very good way,” Jeffrey Zients, Biden coronavirus response coordinator, told the Times. “She pushed me on, are we on mobile vaccination units? How many are we going to have, in what period of time? Are they going to be able to reach rural communities and urban communities? How much progress have you made?” Read more about Harris role in the Biden administration so far at The New York Times.

We will continue doing everything possible to make cars safer, increase seat belt use, put a stop to drunk driving and distracted driving and encourage drivers to put safety first.”According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) early projections, the number of traffic fatalities fell three percent between 2009 and 2010, from 33,808 to 32,788. Since 2005, fatalities have dropped 25 percent, from a total of 43,510 fatalities in 2005. The same estimates also project that the fatality rate will be the lowest recorded since 1949, with 1.09 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, down from the 1.13 fatality rate for 2009.

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