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Second, this statute talks about retaliation for giving information to a law enforcement officer relating to commission of a federal offense. Congress are likely not law enforcement officers for the purpose of this statute, and I can recall if they were even technically investigating any federal offense (which means a codified federal crime). That is to say, they were investigating inappropriate behavior, but I can recall if they were investigating a codified crime..

How much do you know about dinosaurs? What is an octane rating? And how do you use a proper noun? Lucky for you, HowStuffWorks Play is here to help. Our award winning website offers reliable, easy to understand explanations about how the world works. From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers something for everyone.

The enneagram is a growth tool that shows you where you are on the map. Life isn’t like monopoly, it’s more like chess except your opponent is your own fears, insecurities and mechanisms of self sabotage. No one number is better than others because they’re all strategies the human brain comes up with to cope with this crazy world..

The latest developments in China, including the banning of the World Service in Hong Kong, are deeply worrying developments. The BBC should be able to do its reporting without fear or favour. “It is of deep concern when our journalists are restricted and their work curtailed.

In a Detroit Free Press story this past March chronicling the case, Martin was reportedly returning to Ann Arbor from Detroit with Traylor, Bullock and recruit Mateen Cleaves, who eventually went to Michigan State. The players had been visiting Martin, where reportedly alcohol and strippers were present at a party. These events proved to the NCAA that there was a pattern with Martin, and not just an isolated incident involving a series of payments.

Age, duration of infection and immunoglobulin G levels were associated with an increased risk of HCC in cirrhotic patients in the univariate analysis. Achieving an SVR was associated with a reduced risk. No variable in cirrhotic patients was shown to be independently associated with HCC in the multivariate analysis.A comparison of disease progression and treatment outcome in White and Asian (Indian subcontinent) patients was made.

Conservatives similarly have a point when they mock “woke capitalists” who take stands on America’s culture wars while ignoring the vast scale of Chinese human rights abuses. But those critics crying “hypocrisy” are also mostly lining up behind President Trump that fan of dictators everywhere. Who responded to the Hong Kong protests by saying Beijing had acted “very responsibly” and “Hong Kong is a part of China, they’ll have to deal with that themselves.” If you call them on it, their reply is likely to echo the implicit message from those gutless companies: They have other priorities in this case, winning the culture wars.

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