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July 11.The girls were at a playground outside John Muir Elementary School, 5531 West 24th, when the man walked up to them. He told the girls, “Hey, come to me so you don’t get stolen.”The man was dressed entirely in black. He was 20 to 25 years old, 6 feet tall and had a large build.The girls ran home and police were contacted.CASUALTY, RIDGE ROAD: A police officer injured his shoulder July 12 while arresting a man who allegedly was smoking marijuana at Parmatown Mall.When police arrived, the man ran across Ridge.

When this comes to Plan Commission, I will again ask for delay of demolition of the phase 2 buildings until the developers are ready to commence. I remain opposed to demo of 924 E Main. It contributes to the historic character of E Main St, especially with the nearby buildings at the Brearly intersection (Wisconsin Telephone building and 931 E Main home of Old Sugar Distillery, and former bus depot, now a business incubator owned by Common Wealth Development)..

It means the imprint of winter could still be visible months from now on the economic bottom line of both the airport and the Lehigh Valley.There are 340 lane miles of airfield pavement, including runways, taxiways and ramps, and over 200 acres of pavement to clear, officials said. Allegiant, American, Delta and United all fly here, and FedEx and Amazon cargo planes come in, too.The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic drove the number of passengers taking flights down, but the amount of cargo coming through the airport increased, as shoppers rely heavily on e commerce.Passengers creep back to Allentown airport even as some service remains shuttered Over 210 million pounds of air cargo was processed at the airport last year nearly 15% more than 2019, according to data from airport officials. The number of passengers decreased by just over 57%, down to 390,764 from 911,970 in 2019.Runways need to be cleared for emergency medical flights, too.”They need to get in and out, and that’s really not scheduled.

Adopting an inlet is crucial as we prepare for the rain and warmer temperatures. Please check the drain inlets near your home, and remove snow and ice from their vicinity so water can flow freely. This is especially true if you are near a low point in a street (normally near intersections) if you cannot clear an inlet that you believe needs to be cleared, call Engineering Operations at 608 266 4430.

Hi there, so just over a week ago, I posted an image of the Charisma Token that I had. Since then, I located and obtained the original 2013 issue of Vjump that contained it and the other Tokens too. This was a fairly pricey purchase, but it got all 8 of them.

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