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RE THINK PLASTICS In June, 2019, (Prime Minister Justin) Trudeau proclaimed to the world that he was banning the use of all single use plastic in Canada by the beginning of 2021 and the Liberal media and greenies applauded his actions and foresight. Can you imagine if the pandemic would have hit next year instead of this year when single use plastics were to be banned? I would hate to be a first line worker in this country then because most PPEs are at least partially made of plastic. Trudeau wouldn’t dream of suspending his carbon tax when people are cash starved, so one must assume he would have had the same hardline position on single use plastic.

Description Starbucks Corporation purchases and roasts high quality whole bean coffees and sells them along with fresh, rich brewed, Italian style espresso beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, and coffee related equipments primarily through its company operated retail stores. In addition to sales through its company operated retail stores, Starbucks sells whole bean coffees through a specialty sales group and supermarkets. Additionally, Starbucks produces and sells bottled Frappuccino coffee drink and a line of premium ice creams through its joint venture partnerships and offers a line of innovative premium teas produced by its wholly owned subsidiary, Tazo Tea Company.

Residents are encouraged to bring their reusable shopping bags with them, and the Town of Devon will be distributing two reusable bags to every household prior to Jan. 1 to help with the changeover. The bags feature designs from local artists selected by the Arts Association of Devon contest held earlier this year..

Josh Kushner, Jared Kushner brother, faced scrutiny for the potential conflicts posed by his firm, Thrive Capital, and the company it backed: Oscar Health. The Atlantic reported that last year, as Jared Kushner was leading what some outlets dubbed a ‘shadow coronavirus task force,’ that Oscar Health developed a website at the government request to help Americans find coronavirus testing sites. The site was later scrapped..

As of this moment, I pretty disappointed in Gibson. I wanted them to succeed. If, however, what they achieved has indeed set a new precedent, I want nothing to do with them as they exist now. “That allows for maximum efficiency in producing shows for a relatively small number of people, compared to what we’re used to hosting. It’s important to our staff and board that we continue to offer programming in whatever ways we can until things return to a more normal state; seeing the enjoyment on the faces in the crowd, and the huge smiles on the artists on stage makes it worth the effort,” Munro told the Source. “We might end up doing five to six weekends of these concerts if it looks like we won’t be able to have a ‘normal’ festival in 2021.

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