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This is a small project, and with such an abundance of higher valued construction projects the addition funding for the project is $400.000. There have been other recent City of Madison projects that have come in over bid. My Amendment will establish the Park Edge/Park Ridge Employment Center as a stand alone project.

Lars blamed his sorry luck with women on his lack of teenage romance, and he blamed his lack of teenage romance on the fact that he was the worst smelling kid in his grade, every year. He stunk like the floor of a fish market each Christmas, starting at age twelve, and even when he didn’t smell terrible, the other kids acted like he did, because that’s what kids do. “Fish Boy,” they called him, year round, and it was all the fault of an old Swedish woman named Dorothy.

Tourists may not like the loss of idiosyncrasies that the easing of US Cuban diplomatic relations may bring. Escorted tours are not normally something I warm to. But I had been lured by a trip aimed at 18 to thirtysomethings that promised ample time for independent exploration.

Re: “Don’t deal with optics,” Letters, June 20. He told Canadians how they are doing it when he said: “We, er, er, we have, er, recently switched to drinking, er, water bottles out of, er, water out of, er, when we have water bottles, er, out of a plastic, er, sorry, away from plastic towards, er, paper, um, like drink box water bottles sort of things.” You can’t put it more clearly than that. This was excellent news, as it will provide billions of dollars a year to the Canadian economy..

0.0001% even notice that D day is a code for landing and that already happened during Operation Torch in North Africa and Operation Husky in Sicily. But, then again, Spielberg only did movie about D day in France and Jewish victims of SS. So, I guess that 30 million non Jewish victims of SS and thousand of US soldiers who died in less known D days will perish from American minds.

A multi neighborhood steering committee has been convened to work with the developer with representatives from SASY, Worthington Park, Emerson East, Eken Park and the Friends of Union Corners. The neighborhood steering committee has created a list of seven key values for the site that they shared with the developer. The Gorman team says they will work with the neighborhood to improve the site plan before they officially submit their proposal..

Staff report: The current proposal requests the removal of the small plaque and the marker from Confederate Rest. 41.09(3)) to review the removal of the marker and plaque. Any alteration to the site will also be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office because the property is also listed on the State and National Registers.

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