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As a reminder for our new readers, we recommend that you scan the headlines each week, read the articles related to your area of responsibility at your institution, and share the current events and lessons learned with others you work with. We believe this helps cultivate a strong proactive risk culture within the institution. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions..

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Sun protective clothing is now available in stores. However, the FDA does not regulate such products unless the manufacturer intends to make a medical claim. Consider using an umbrella for shade.. US Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman (centre) urges US Senator Mitt Romney, at left, to turn and run with him as supporters of former US President Donald Trump enter the Capitol US Senate/14.26 Pence whisked awayVice President Mike Pence had been singled out by Trump and invited to “do the right thing” to ensure the Republicans would win the election. Mr Pence said he would certify the election results because the claims of widespread fraud were baseless. Mr Pence and his family targets were ushered out of the Senate chamber just minutes before it was breached..

Tout coup ma mre sembla vouloir s’chapper en courant. Mon pre la retint par le bras. Elle se dbattait, elle courut comme une folle vers le pont. “Alberta is very secure, stable, connected to a big market,” said Masson, former head of the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission. “We can easily be a good part of that energy mix going forward.” Energy transition its way But if fuel and oil demand is squeezed, the big challenge for Canadian oilsands producers may be to be cost competitive in a global market while also facing environmental scrutiny from investors. The Hydra Mariner snapped free of its mooring buoy in Wrights Cove, just adjacent to the Dartmouth Yacht Club, overnight on Jan.