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The Nord Stream 2 pipeline will allow Russian gas to be pumped directly to Germany, but the US has threatened to impose sanctions on any company involved with the project, arguing it will make Europe too dependent on Russia for its energy needs. Lobbying group Environmental Action Germany (DUH) this week published a leaked letter from Olaf Scholz, the German finance minister, to Steve Mnuchin, the then US treasury secretary, dated last August. Citing intelligence sources, the British weekly said a team of more than 20 agents, including Israeli and Iranian nationals, carried out the ambush on scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh after eight months of surveillance.

Residents should also review the Snow Removal Regulations that apply to city sidewalks here. In general, residents and property owners are required to clear snow from their sidewalk by noon of the day after the snow has stopped. Prompt removal is always in your own best interest.

We need strong cities and it might be equitable that they receive additional funds, but as a taxpayer, I am tired of reading of municipal employees retiring in their mid 40s with substantial pensions and lifetime medical benefits. The same is true for state employees. City tax dollars would stretch further if they hadn’t given away the store (and our money) to the unions.

It’s something I’ve been waiting for a lot, playing for Alex Cora. To have him as a manager is really good. It made me happy. Koch is a legislative aide with the Wisconsin State Assembly. He has served as a volunteer for several political campaigns and has participated in Get Out The Vote efforts. Mr.

One Saudi friend we are both in our 81st year calls me on Christian holidays to wish my family well. I remember when he returned to Dhahran in 1967 from a year at an elite East Coast university. As tears formed in his eyes, he told me he had found in his landlady a second mother who had soothed his insecurities and made his American experience so positive.

I’m responding to the person who wrote about Trump’s wimpy response to the violent weekend in the Jan. 1 LW. I wonder what his response would have been, and I wonder if he would have had the same hatred for any other president who made the same response.

Some are in bed with the west, places like Kuwait and bin Laden’s home country, Saudi Arabia, and in other nations, people are so busy trying to find their next meal that such thoughts would never cross their mind. Now of course we are ten years into the occupational war in Afghanistan, and Iraq, where they are really super tired of Americans, is right behind. No doubt a lot of people in these two countries would like to clobber the brains out of Americans, and if you can blame anyone for wanting revenge against the deeds of an occupational force and its bombs and bullets and roadblocks and general lack of humanity, then we are reaching ‘Communication Breakdown’ status..