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Most retailers are running some of their best sales of the year and we should know since we track them year round. So we’ve collected the best bargains on the internet to make Cyber Monday shopping a breeze. We’ve got something for everybody whether you want that perfect toy to light up a loved one’s face, or something practical because people always need socks..

“Just as I Am” takes us through Tyson’s acting training (and a horrifying assault from a prominent acting teacher) and a long career divided between stage and screen, always determined to avoid stereotypes and portray Black women with dignity and grace. We learn about her art “Acting, like every art form, is meant to transport its beholders, and the artist is frequently the first to make the journey” and join her on sets: “Sounder,” for which she received an Oscar nomination; “The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman,” with the Emmy winning performance that on some days required six hours of makeup; the phenomenon that was “Roots,” and many more. I might have wished for more about “How to Get Away With Murder,” on which an electric Tyson played Davis’ mother in occasional appearances for six seasons, but that role gets short shrift; perhaps Tyson sensed by that point that time was running out..

The constant featuring of vodka giving me a similar feeling.For the not caring part, I felt that none of them were developed in any way at all. Naomi Watts for example I get that I supposed to cheer for her but the only real reason to do that is because she is doing a good deed at the start of the movie. Characters being bad people or “morally grey” is of no issue normally but in Eastern Promises, I really felt there was nothing connecting me as the audience to them..

The HTC First is aptly named. It just the first Phone Facebook has devised the Home Program where it will offer other handset manufacturers guidance on how to fiddle with the versions of Android they run to optimize Home. It might take six months, but I expect some OEMs will bite.

The city has identified the Operation Center at 110 S Paterson as a potential location for a structured parking ramp to serve the Capitol East District. The Mayor budgeted $6.8M in the 2014 Capital Budget to relocate the Operations Center. The Water Utility hired Mead and Hunt to look at options to incorporate Operations into their fleet facility across the street in “Big Blue” or other locations.

Our small size defines us in good ways and bad. Because we’re so small, every item on our shelves has to be in demand. If it doesn’t circulate, we find it a new home. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing that states have more freedom in killing Canada geese to keep the birds’ growing population in check. About 25 thousand Canada geese are on their way back to the Twin Cities for the summer. Thanks to the early spring, many have already arrived.