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Amanpour noted that Hutchinson had accepted Joe Biden election and followed constitutional playbook. Does he feel out of step with members of his party, when a Republican House majority voted against certifying the election? Not at all, he said. But he said the party needs to return to its roots and had been in recent years by a dominant personality.

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Axel se pose des questions existentielles propos de ce courrier comme il s’en pose propos de tout. Tout le gonfle dans cette vie faite de convenances o il faut toujours faire bonne figure. Il habite dans une cit pavillonnaire cossue et ses voisins sont envahissants, notamment ceux de droite qui dcrtent des choses sans demander l’accord d’Axel et sa femme Anna, genre, on se fait un apro une fois par trimestre chez l’un et chez l’autre et il va de soit qu’Axel aime le whisky alors qu’il dteste alors il doit chaque fois en boire et mme quand il invite chez lui, il doit en acheter aussi.

At the same subcommittee meeting where Dole provided his own rationale, Young did a liberal’s pirouette: while praising the 400,000 person anti war march on Washington and the “fine people on that platform, including my friend Leonard Bernstein,” he also took the opportunity to rail against criminals and “judges who have backbones like jellyfish.” He ranted, not quite explaining how tripling the White House Police would give the judiciary spine.To get some idea of how wearing it can be to patrol embassies for the Uniformed Division, stand in front of your house for two hours. Then drive to the supermarket and back home for two hours. Then repeat that four hour cycle.

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