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Dans les annes 50, le bureau du Politburo en Pologne, dont l’un des membres tait Juif, mena une enqute sur le nombre de Polonais assassins par les nazis. Il arriva la conclusion que 3 millions de Juifs et 1 million de non Juifs avaient taient tus en Pologne par les Allemands. Les dirigeants du bureau du Politburo polonais estimrent alors que le matre du Kremlin, Joseph Staline, n’allait pas du tout aimer cette comptabilit, savoir que plus de Juifs que de non Juifs polonais avaient t tus par les soldats du IIIe Reich.

By Lisa Richwine LOS ANGELES (Reuters) Walt Disney Co will send “Star Wars” characters into the realm of augmented reality next week to draw fans into stores as they release new merchandise tied to upcoming movie the “The Last Jedi,” the company said in a statement on Thursday. ET) on Sept. 1, more than 20,000 retail locations in 30 countries will feature displays that fans can scan with their smartphones to reveal characters such as Rey or Chewbacca.

HoloLens is Microsoft’s first augmented reality headset. Its capabilities, ranging from games to medical science, have been showcased by the company in a number of conferences. While at this point Microsoft hasn’t announced exactly when it would make the device available to consumers, a developer kit has been promised to arrive in early 2016 for $3,000..

Dame DeAnne Julius, a founding member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, said the parallel currency plan has never worked anywhere in the world. She said: “It’s impossible, I think, to find any place that is a success story undertaking this route of political independence using a currency issued by another country.” Professor Cdric Tille, member of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank, warned that a Scottish state using sterling currency could find itself seeking a financial bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Tille said: “Looking at the massive Scottish fiscal and current account deficits, my advice to the new prime minister, should the country split off, would be to address these structural challenges or develop good links with the IMF, because she or he might well need their assistance in the future ” Harvard University economist Professor Jeffrey Frankel, who served on the US President’s Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration, said: “I think Scotland would have to undergo a profound change and would probably have to make some difficult economic adjustments.” St Andrews University’s Professor Alan Sutherland warned that sterlingisation would have serious impacts on the Scottish banking system.