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She runs the entire warehouse. She is amazing. Along with all of our warehouse workers, all these people have been with me for years. Les faits se sont produits dans un quartier pavillonnaire de la ville en dbut d’aprs midi, a prcis cette source, confirmant une information du quotidien Nice Matin.Les enfants pris en charge par les services hospitaliersL’homme, qui a tent de s’enfuir, a t intercept par des voisins avant de se constituer prisonnier. De nationalit cap verdienne, comme sa compagne, il a t plac en garde vue au commissariat de Frjus, dans le cadre d’une enqute ouverte par le parquet de Draguignan.Les enfants ont t pris en charge par les services hospitaliers, de mme qu’un voisin, en tat de choc.Mardi, le garde des Sceaux Eric Dupond Moretti a annonc que 90 cas de meurtres de femmes par leur conjoint ou ex conjoint avaient t recenss en 2020 en France, soit un plus bas depuis la mise en place de statistiques sur ce type de faits il y a quinze ans. En 2019, 146 femmes avaient t tues, 25 de plus que l’anne prcdente..

Fluorinated firefighting foam products typically contain around 5,000 7,000 ppm total fluorine. Knockdown Class A Foam Concentrate was chosen following internal functional testing of multiple products marketed as PFA free. In addition to its extremely low concentration of fluorine, it was selected by the Madison Fire Department for its ability to perform effectively in a wide range of temperatures, which is especially important during Wisconsin’s frigid winter months.

Some called for yet another shakeup to his legal team.House Democratic prosecutors are seeking to link Trump directly to the riot that left five people dead, replaying videos of the rioters trying to stop the certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory and Trump’s statements urging them to fight the election results.On Wednesday, they plan to use Capitol security footage that hasn’t been publicly released before as they argue that Trump incited the insurrection, according to Democratic aides working on the case.Senators, many of whom fled for safety the day of the attack, watched Tuesday’s graphic videos of the Trump supporters who battled past police to storm the halls, Trump flags waving. More video is expected Wednesday, including some that hasn’t been seen before.Trump is the first president to face an impeachment trial after leaving office and the first to be twice impeached. The riot followed a rally during which Trump urged his supporters to “fight like hell,” words his lawyers say were simply a figure of speech.