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it’s sort of reaffirmed to me that i’m not a monster

In some situations, saying nothing can be a powerful strategy. “The rule of awkward silence has always been valuable as a tool of emotional intelligence, because it allows you to balance thought and emotion, instead of simply reacting based on feeling.” Again, the necessity of creating space is illustrated. I would also contest that not responding is also an option.

“That is a big gap in the framework,” said John Scanlon, former Secretary General of CITES now with African Parks. “We may find that there may be certain animals that should be listed and not be traded or traded under strict conditions and certain markets that ought to be closed. Reported from Boston..

What do we do when work requires so much more? How do we actualize and operationalize the intentions of anti racism, so that they don ring hollow when it comes to our actual actions in the workplace?The reality is that the work of increasing and embedding a culture of diversity, inclusion, and equitable practice in the workplace is so much more than a checklist. To treat diversity, equity, and inclusion work (DEI) as a to do list with a finite start and finish will only result in the stunted growth of the very culture you are hoping to manifest. It is not sustainable, and there are better ways to address equity so that it not only sounds but is authentic.Corporate leaders who are ready to pursue the true work of DEI need to be able to answer five key questions for their employees:How will this impact leadership decisions?How are we expected to implement this into our daily work functions?How will it impact our mission and vision?How will my manager uphold these values in our day to day interactions?How will we codify all of this work that we say is so important to us?If you are looking at this list and feeling overwhelmed, take a breath.The glue to the change that you are seeking begins with a simple word: capacity.

School effectiveness in areas of social deprivation is a fundamental issue for every society, because it is related to social justice, equity and development, which are important matters for every developed or developing country. Social justice in education means that any student, whatever their social background, has equal access and opportunities to receive an education of quality.It is often considered that schools in the poorest neighbourhoods provide a lower quality of education than institutions in more advantaged areas. Nevertheless, taking into account all the barriers that some schools have to face, there are some institutions that seem to make a difference.