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Again, this supposed bold and ambitious plan was exceeded before the inauguration. Politico Playbook said: “It is a goal so modest and lacking in ambition as to be almost meaningless.” President Biden’s ambitious rhetoric around schools was always going to have a collision course with his teachers’ union benefactors, who simply do not want schools to fully reopen any time soon. Not even after teachers got priority in vaccinations, and K 12 schools received over $68 billion in 2020 to mitigate COVID issues.

TIF funding will be contingent upon verification that the project has a gap in the amount of the TIF Loan based on the total sources and uses. Should the gap be less than the TIF Loan, then the TIF Loan shall be reduced to the amount of the gap shown in the Certified Pro Forma. While it is anticipated that the incremental taxes generated by the Project will be sufficient to repay the loan within approximately 8 years, the Developer is required to guaranty a minimum payment if sufficient future tax increment is not available.

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The area of disaster management has become increasingly prominent in a context of frequent political, religious change and conflict, and within it, the field of knowledge on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management (HLSCM) has attracted attention from a variety of stakeholders, such as scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Consequently, humanitarian logistics and supply chain research has seen a significant increase in the quantity of works emerging, particularly journal articles. In this context, we aim to systematize the selected contemporary literature on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management.

It will still continue to function for a short grace period, but some behaviours will change. Most importantly, you will no longer be able to re register your account with the app. That means if you delete and reinstall it (or install it on a different phone), it will no longer allow you to verify your phone number and complete the setup process.

Several well established techniques of soil stabilisation and soil reinforcement are available to improve properties of geotechnical materials. However, the addition of fibre into soils has its unique potential as a reinforcing agent. This is because a friction between fibre and soil particles increases the bonding between the particles of soils and this can improve the plasticity, stress strain behaviour and failure characteristics of both cemented and uncemented soils.