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The D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership is in the process of revising its Strategic Economic Plan, which will run to 2030. The most recent D2N2 state of the economy report highlighted the persistent productivity gap and the inclusive growth challenge for the D2N2 area. Two detailed pieces of research have been commissioned on the challenges of productivity, and on inclusive growth in order to provide an evidence base to support the revision of the SEP.

The Morning Call relies on the support of our subscribers to fund our journalism as we continue to cover the coronavirus crisis. If you’re not already signed up, we hope you will consider subscribing. If you’re already a print subscriber and you haven’t activated your digital access, please activate your digital access today..

I’m giving helicopter tours of Badlands National Park trying to relive the glory days I never got to have since I joined after the surge. On short final to our small landing strip, I decide to have some fun and cut the engine, pretending something went wrong. I execute a flawless autorotation to the ground, scaring the absolute shit out of the rich middle age couple in the back.

BG: The technology The Segment and where the world is headed When Bill Gates was sitting in his garage building Microsoft a few smart investors took a moment to reflect on where the world was headed and invested in multiple companies based on that direction. Microsoft and Apple followed that vision and changed the world Everyone agrees that the world is switching to renewable energy. What everyone doesn seem to grasp is it doesn work without and ESS.

At the station, Chris introduced me to JR and Cyril, 2 inseparable mates and stockmen. JR is the horse trainer at the station and Cyril an Aboriginal stockman. I got to go on a wild cattle muster with them and it was absolutely thrilling. Of course Aamir Khan spoke about a lot of things, including the rise in terrorism, where he spoke out against those who the Quran the kill people and that anyone killing innocent wasn a Muslim act but then people tend to have selective memory when it comes to these kind of things. What followed was a tradition as old as time. Normal, sane individuals turned into travel enthusiasts, made illogical arguments that would make Descartes turn in his grave and in general threatened him for daring to say India was intolerant.

The project has featured extensive public engagement and has went through a number of iterations based upon feedback.Urban Forestry Taskforce The Urban Forestry Taskforce is likely to have a completed report with recommendations in early 2019.IPM Taskforce The IPM taskforce has begun meeting and will have recommendations for consideration in 2019.Golf The future of golf is still a critically important issue that must be addressed in order to address and create a sustainable future for golf.Dog Policy Parks staff feels that updates need to occur prior to the spring of 2019 in relationship to policies regarding dogs in parks. Five members of Parks’ supervisory team attended the National Recreation and Parks Conference in Indianapolis. We look forward to using what they learned to further improve the system.Parks staff from all sections spent approximately 4,000 hours on flood response since August 20.