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Moonstruck TrufflesYou could hear Chicago’s chocolate snobs give off a collective groan when Moonstruck closed its Michigan Avenue store a few years ago. Based in Portland, Ore., Moonstruck arguably makes some of the finest truffles on the planet. The list of truffle flavors could take up an entire column, but runs the gamut from cookies and cream (delightfully shaped like an ice cream cone) to theOregon Distillers collection, looking like a beautiful box of psychedelic domes beamed down from Planet Trufflelicious..

Depending on what metal your smoker is made of, these leftovers can be toxic. Not only will they affect the taste of your first few barbecues, but they may also introduce harmful metals into your body system. With seasoning, you can easily get rid of all the dirt and debris left in the smoker after the manufacturing process..

Theft, Rockside Woods Boulevard: A Chicago woman reported that on Aug. 9 she left her Ray Ban prescription sunglasses in her room at the Embassy Suites. When she contacted the hotel about them, they said they had them and would keep them in a locker for her.

No advertising: All forms of advertising and self promotion are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, posts promoting specific products or name brands, promoting YouTube channels or other forms of Social Media, and linking to online stores or other places designed to make money. Learn more about self promotion on Reddit here.

Society owners can set up prizes and a time frame for the program’s duration. For example, if you own a restaurant and a related Society, you can set up a prize of dinner for two to be awarded by the end of the week. Users then check in to get a chance at winning the prize..

A number of cities have put up poles to which the line can be attached. I have been asked by some people who enjoy slacklining to encourage Parks to allow slacklining in parks either by putting up poles to use or by defining effective tree protections to be used (see article). This sport is reputedly good for core strengthening, in addition to improving participants’ balance..

First, Dugan described a future in which we would use what she called a “brain mouse” that would one day allow us to control AR applications using a noninvasive brain interface. Specifically, Facebook is researching optical imaging methods that will allow for the filtering of “quasi ballistic photons” (which retain greater resolution than “diffuse photons”) that send wireless signals between your brain and a computer. The research group’s first goal is to use that method to create a 100 word per minute speech prosthetic for input for AR a goal Dugan said was about three years away..