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A slick new video showing young and old congregating under the name of the Russian leader has been exposed as one of a number of fake rallies concocted by the Kremlin. Rattled by protests in support of opposition leader Alexei Navalny that have swept across the country, Mr Putin government appears desperate to prove his popularity is unscathed in a series of dubious demonstrations. In Volgograd, formerly Stalingrad, where one of the videos was filmed, the crowd joins together after leaving their workplaces and football pitches to flash the torches on their phones at the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War.

Senate file number one got a grand kickoff in a Capitol news conference Monday morning, as the Republican caucus lined up behind GOP Sen. Geoff Michel to talk about their bill. Proposal aims to cut the business income tax by half in the next six years, roll back and freeze business property taxes to 2009 levels and ease regulations and streamline the permitting process, Michel said.

Why would the farmers in a developed, Western country, dominated by an industrialised agriculture, choose to grow a traditional crop variety? This study aimed to explore this question through an investigation of the reasons why a traditional landrace barley known as Bere was still grown in the Scottish islands of Orkney and Shetland. Cultivated barley is one of the oldest and most widely grown cereals in the world and plays a significant role in global food security. However, since the beginning of the 20th century the genetic diversity in cultivated barley has been in decline as traditional varieties are replaced with modern cultivars.

Despite voting for this proposal, I do share the concerns of many neighbors about the potential for additional development activity that could endanger the JMP neighborhood’s character and relative affordability. There are several different approaches that I believe have potential to provide some protection and I will be researching those options in the near future. One encouraging outcome of this process is that James Madison Park neighbors fully engaged in the steering committee and scores of residents were activated for the first time on a neighborhood issue.

Yesterday’s events happened because there is evidence of voter fraud throughout the country that was not properly investigated. BLM protests were about a convicted felon who overdosed and died on Fentanyl, but appeared to have died due to excessive police force. One of these issues goes against the values this country was founded on, the other was based on misinformation..

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