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Though the face licking episode allegedly took place in 2012, it took another five years for Crawford to file a complaint. According to a report prepared by the ethics commission, Crawford explained he had not initially reported Oakley for harassment because he feared he would lose his job. The following year she chose not to run for reelection, and Crawford let the matter go, according to the Miami Herald..

Makes sense for them to do that. They didn think about me, video game consumer 45125434, because, well, why would they? Theyre a business. They make money. Honor View 20 performance, battery life, and camerasAfter impressing us in the Huawei Mate 20 Pro (Review), the Kirin 980 SoC exhibits the same performance on the View 20. It was quick to load apps and games without any hint of lag. The 6GB of RAM ensures that multitasking is smooth without the need to kill apps in the background.

No one ever starts out as a Rembrandt. But Rembrandt started out as a cartoonist. Even today, at 89, Walker makes his living by crude symbols of people, and houses, and things. Scott: Yes, he’s got experience in public businesses. I mean we heard his story a couple of episodes ago here on the BiggerPockets Money Podcast with regards to money, but today we have him really talking about you know market cycles and how to prepare you know really a specifically real estate portfolio, but with the some definitely overlapped into other types of portfolios for an oncoming recession. We’re going to talk about you know how to define market cycles.

A while back, the furnace gave up the ghost from the first really cold snap. I called around but the soonest anybody could replace it was a month out. I am in line at Costco and the guy ahead of me is wearing a HVAC company jacket. Questions of gender, feminism, and criture feminine in individual cases continue to be given priority in studies of women’s writing in Baroque Spain, to the exclusion of study of the wealth of original sources that show women participating freely and equally in all aspects of the Republic of Letters, as contemporaries called the literary profession. I take as my field the repblica literaria in the Spanish Atlantic empire in the period 1450 1700, with parallels from England, France and Italy. The key criterion of selection has been the projection of a female voice in public texts, whether via a sobriquet, a real name, grammatical gender, or a pseudonym.

After the Miami discovery in January, it was a bittersweet moment to see all the shark fins laid out, says Arthur Florence, of Agriculture Air Cargo Operations sweet that they caught the illegal fins, bitter to think of the dead sharks. “It was a ton of juvenile fins that were actually cut off,” he says wistfully. “Some of those sharks take about 20 years to reproduce.”.

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