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As always, it is safest to remain home, but if you do venture into public, it is recommended to wear a cloth face cover as an additional tool to prevent people who do not display symptoms from spreading the virus. The City of Madison appreciates all the continuing efforts made by the community during this unprecedented time. Please keep our community healthy and safe by following Public Health Madison Dane County recommendations and guidance.

Are numerous examples of cases where prosecutors declined to criminally prosecute officers, but a civil action against the officers and their department was successful. Again, separate actions, different standards. Furthermore, there is often more information revealed in the course of a civil action.

“The kind of praise that was coming my way [with Paanch], I almost thought I was the next big thing,” Kashyap says. “And then there was a reality check that kept me grounded. Otherwise, I would have probably lost my mind; I would have been like so many other people that I know who can’t handle success.”.

Election loser, defeated in courtsSpreading the Big Lie. Beginning minutes after polls closed on the East Coast, Trump claimed the election was stolen, and he spent the next two months filing dozens of lawsuits, strong arming state officials to change the results and plotting to replace Justice Department leadership to further his scheme. Dozens of defeats in court, including rulings by Trump appointed judges, did not deter him from spreading the claim the election was rigged..

During this period of house arrest, Netflix’s cornucopia continues to spill narcos, zombies and real life crime. Take a hard pass in favor of the adventures of a Suffolk sheep. A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon cites ET, Men in Black, Doctor Who and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Staff report: The applicant requests approval of a demolition permit to raze two fraternity buildings and construct an eightstory building that includes a fraternity and apartment units at 619 621 North Lake Street. Staff does not believe the demolition standards can be found met. Specifically, staff believe the proposal does not meet the standards of approval regarding the proposed demolition’s compatibility with the adopted Downtown Plan [per 28.185(7)(a)(2) MGO] and regarding the report of the City’s historic preservation planner and the report submitted by the Landmarks Commission [per 28.185(7)(a)(4) MGO].

Antoinette Fouque, prsidente de l’Alliance des femmes pour la dmocratie: “Depuis plus de quarante ans, nous nous sommes battues pour que les femmes deviennent citoyennes part entire et qu’elles aient le droit de raliser l’intgralit de leurs comptences. Et nous avons gagn en droits et en liberts plus que jamais dans l’histoire. Les Franaises ont le plus fort taux de fcondit de l’Union europenne et une activit professionnelle tout en levant leurs enfants.

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