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On Saturday, the Wyoming Republican Party voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney. Only eight of the 74 member state GOP’s central committee opposed the punishment in a vote that did not proceed to a formal count. The censure document accused Cheney of voting to impeach Trump, even though the House didn’t offer him “formal hearing or due process.” That followed a 145 61 secret ballot vote this past week in the nation capital in which House Republicans overwhelmingly rebuffed a rebellion by hard right conservatives to toss Cheney from leadership over her impeachment vote.

The start of another Hollywood disaster flick? No, it’s what the US Geological Survey predicts what will happen if a major quake hits along the Hayward Fault. But researchers at the USGS didn’t just dream up this nightmare out of thin air. They conducted a scientifically realistic scenario, using computer simulations of the way seismic waves travel, in an effort to spur Bay Area residents to prepare for the “big one” that is long overdue to strike the region..

PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher allows pets to independently load and launch balls to play fetch. It is perfect for people with limited mobility, low energy or mood or any disability limiting your ability to engage physically with your pet. Your pet will get an enjoyable mental and physical workout; and you will get the pleasure of watching them!.

We’ve gone from “a dialogue in the Commons” to Trumpian figures engaging with smaller, like minded groups. “He’s used his undoubted capabilities, strong charisma and bizarre way with words to create a dangerous and cultish group.” It’s been said often that Trump has made satire redundant; so often, in fact, that the phrase itself is now kind of redundant, though no less true. Still, Callan’s Kicks (Radio 1, Fri 6.30pm) gave it a good go with an entertaining and funny post election half hour.

I see a lot of comments on the video for that song that say something to the effect of “I feel like I relate to this song so much and I haven even had a boyfriend yet” or “makes me feel nostalgic for something that hasn actually happened to me.” Sentiments like that are interesting because they speak to the ability art has to really paint a full picture of a sort of emotional landscape and how we can empathize to those emotions through it on a more visceral level than just through words. However, those comments also speak to how vicariously one can live through art something that I think a lot of the younger generation is going through right now. We are born into a culture swaddled by media, it insanely pervasive.