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Skyscraper construction is part brute strength, part delicate dance. It starts with a raising gang, which lifts a piece of steel from street level using cranes weighing upwards of 250 tons each. Signalmen guide the pieces toward connectors, who bolt them together while balancing on nearby beams.

Here, we demonstrated for the first time that polymer microcarriers with tuned internal nanoarchitecture can be designed by employing the CaCO3 crystals of controlled porosity. The layer by layer deposition has been utilized to assemble shell like (hollow) and matrix like (filled) polymer capsules due to restricted and free polymer diffusion through the crystal pores, respectively. The crystal pore size in the range of few tens of nanometers can be adjusted without any additives by variation of the crystal preparation temperature in the range 745 C.

The advantage of this is that you can blend away absolutely all the possible streaks and you feel thrillingly like a bona fide professional beauty therapist as you apply. On holiday, Instead of my usual tinted moisturizer I used Amanda’s face spray and just brushed a bit onto my face every day. And yes, on the odd occasion I may have used the brush to contour some Sienna Miller style cheekbones, too..

Among the different things Microsoft showcased is a feature it calls Windows 10 Continuum, wherein you can plug an HDMI display to your phone, and even connect a mouse and keyboard and use it like a normal computer. “Hold on a second,” you’ll say, because obviously, this is something that you can do with all phones. The difference lies in Windows 10’s universal apps they can detect the screen size, and change the interface to allow you to work as per the device you are using..

Normally, the fun loving Stengel would not have been eligible for the Hall because of the five year waiting period after retirement. But unknown to Stengel, the rules were recently changed (because of Stengel) and Hall of Fame eligibles over the age of 65 could be voted in six months after leaving the game. In a special election, the veteran committee unanimously elects Stengel..

Sister Shama Bartlett covered the Capitol rally for CJTV last week but did not enter the building with protesters, interviewing them as they left instead because she a moral obligation to not support the actions. She captured footage and questioned a man wearing a helmet and vest labeled confronting police. The man was later sought by the FBI in connection with the rally..