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Finally, Havana called. The clichs were there. The crumbling colonial buildings. Selling ice cream to children is mostly a late afternoon or evening enterprise, and we start the day by selling lunch to construction workers building a plant in Southeast for Pepco, the utility company. Hamidu serves them with game wit. Each time he sells a $2 ice cream sandwich, he says, “That’ll be two hundred dollars.” When one longtime customer gripes about the heat, Hamidu reaches into the fridge, then flicks him with a fistful of ice; the guy flinches and laughs.

Hopefully some sympathetic teachers might stick the telly on. In other news, Robbie was on the show today, listen again via the iplayer and at the Radio 2 Website, relaxed, happy and excited about his new music and his baby due anytime from now. And CarFest North was another magical weekend of cars, food, music, planes and dancing diggers and their arena pals..

On Friday, evangelical pastors from across the country will gather at a conference at the Statehouse Convention Center. You want to give them a wide berth. These aren run of the mill evangelicals. The latter claim, illegal immigrants tend to take low wage jobs and live in low income communities. Look into the paris climate agreement. It would give us no leverage to put any pressure on india and china to clean up their act, but would require every man, woman, and child in the USA to pay out a couple grand apiece..

The final version of the ordinance was drafted by an Alder Workgroup chaired by Alder Donna Moreland that also included Alders Shiva Bidar and Rebecca Kemble. A call for nominations for At Large Seats on the Police Civilian Oversight Board has been released and anyone interested in applying can find details here Apply for at large position on Civilian Oversight Board. The deadline for submitting nominations or self nominations is Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

The experience can accommodate as many as 25 guests depending on COVID 19 restrictions. (Current Orange level restrictions allow informal gatherings and dining experiences for as many as 10 people from two different households.)Closures impact Town Hall, the Community Development Department (both building and planning offices) and public works administrative offices. And the recreation center will follow normal operating hours.A regular Town Council meeting has been rescheduled for Feb.

“I want all my actors back when we come out of this. I’m a big believer in treating people well so they don’t feel the need to go anywhere else. Facebook and Twitter, those sorts of companies hold onto their teams in the same way.”The Masked SingerMasked Singer’s Sausage’s identity ‘accidentally confirmed’ by Sheridan Smith on rival BBC showTheatre star Sheridan Smith, 39, has been largely rumoured to be the character on the hit ITV programme for many weeks.