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Before you do buy, try on the tortoise shell just to make sure you wouldn prefer them 😉 They are so classy, I would take them over the black any day of the week.I find the black wayfarers are now all too common. While the tortoise shell is also quite common it has a more unique flair, but at the same time are still subdued and professional. I wear mine with a suit regularly..

Police asked the man several times to exit his car but he refused. A third officer arrived and police dragged the man out of the car. They found one white pill, marijuana shake, a pill bottle containing suspected marijuana and a digital scale in the car.

“The attacks on SB1062 show politics at its absolute worse. They represent precisely why so many people are sick of the modern political debate. Instead of having an honest discussion about the true meaning of religious liberty, opponents of the bill have hijacked this discussion through lies, personal attacks, and irresponsible reporting,” said Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, which lent a hand in scribing the bill..

The Samsung Galaxy S series and the Galaxy Note series smartphones have always been prime examples of what high end Android smartphones are capable of. These devices are highly sought after and have always commanded a premium over what the other brands have on offer. Now, in order to compete better with brands such as OnePlus, and to lower the entry point for the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series, Samsung has launched the Galaxy S10 Lite and Galaxy Note 10 Lite.

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