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A repost is when you submit the same or almost identical content within a given time frame. On this subreddit, we do not allow any reposts within 120 days, or reposts within 1 year of submissions where the original has more than 10,000 upvotes. You can use KarmaDecay, Google Reverse Image Search, and Reddit built in search function to find previous instances of your post..

He was battered by a string of high profile misses, such as the flopped IPO for office sharing firm WeWork. The problems forced him to sell assets, and led some to ask if he lost his touch for investments. Now the gains follow a sea change at SoftBank mammoth Vision Fund investment unit.

Then of course you have the Kurdish people of Iraq, who were encouraged to rise up against Saddam Hussein’s army during the 1991 Gulf War, and then totally and completely abandoned by President George HW Bush and American military leaders; left to the murderous wrath of an angry government in Baghdad. There was no reward for them, nor was there a reward for the other cultures and groups referenced here that helped Americans. [4].

The following articles talk about the dietary changes that can help you to achieve these fit. To reduce the risk of heart diseases, there are a variety of procedures, performed by a skilled cardiologist. Read the article to know more. Dans l’histoire, il y a eu des missionnaires de l’Occident qui sont alls en Afrique. Si l’glise d’Afrique est ne, c’est grce eux. Je ne veux pas comparer, mais ces fruits l peuvent tre bons pour le monde entier.

You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all connectivity, computer software, hardware and other equipment needed for access to and use of the Site and all charges related to the same.2. User Content and Conduct; Community GuidelinesThe following terms apply to content submitted by users, and user conduct, on the Site’s Interactive Areas, including CNN iReport:(A) Interactive Areas. The Site may contain comments sections, discussion forums, or other interactive features, including CNN iReport, CNN’s user generated news community (“Interactive Areas”) in which you may post or upload user generated content, including but not limited to iReports, comments, video, photos, messages, other materials or items (collectively, “User Content”).

Telomeres are specialized DNA protein structures located at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes whose length is progressively reduced in most somatic cells during ageing. Over the past decade, emerging evidence has shown that the telomeres are essential regulators of cellular life span and chromosome integrity in a dynamic fashion. By inducing genomic instability, replicative senescence and apoptosis, shortening of telomeres is thought to contribute to organismal ageing.