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First thing that came to mind is my daughter, who is a real life CODA. And when I read it over, that gave me some flashbacks based on my experience in this world, said Kotsur, recalling first reading the script. A good experience for the audience to come into deaf culture and get an inside view of what it looks like.

The real tension here is that EU principles are increasingly seen as at odds with economic reality and the wishes of a majority of the people. Appeals to solidarity do not sit well with the voters. The dilemma is similar to that of the bail outs. Big picture, it signals a huge shakeup for House Dems. Crowley was widely seen as the likely successor to House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, which had some major implications if Democrats win a narrow House majority in the midterms. Now, that line of succession is in flux..

The aim of this field study was to examine the influence of a low fibre (LF) and a high fibre (HF) diet on the presence of gastric ulceration in thirty 3 year old Dutch Warmblood horses during training period and during pasture rest. In the first part of the study all horses were stabled individually and fed either an iso energetic HF (75% haylage) or LF (25% haylage) diet for sixteen weeks. Horses were exercised daily throughout this period, after which the first gastroscopy was performed.

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