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Keith Langseth brings a bill that reduces the corporate tax rate while eliminating certain loopholes for businesses. The bill will head to the Taxes Committee. 12: Freshman Sen. All of the responses to our original paper highlighted many conceptual, theoretical, and/or methodological problems with the proposed IGD diagnosis as outlined in the DSM 5. We outline some ways forward in overcoming issues and concerns in the gaming studies field. Results: We argue that rather than stigmatizing gaming per se, the role of scientists and practitioners is to establish a clear cut distinction between someone who may use games excessively but non problematically and someone who is experiencing significant impairment in their daily lives as a consequence of their excessive gaming.

Franklin St. Rather than N. Ingersoll St. “The cachet of Tesla is Musk,” said Daniel Ives, tech analyst for Wedbush Securities. “The reason investors have not batted an eyelash is that due to Musk’s strategic direction, Tesla is on top of the EV [electric vehicles] mountain going to the golden age of EVs. And he’s put Tesla on the cusp of being a trillion dollar market cap company.”.

Queer people have been similarly seeing themselves in Bert and Ernie for decades; Saltzman was just someone who was able to put a bit of his heart in what was really on screen. As his approach shows, LGBTQ representation doesn’t even have to be about the kid unfriendly topic of sex, which has never been where queerness begins and ends. What he and the rest of Sesame Workshop did with those characters was a little boost to queer watchers, both kids and adults.

We had a beautiful morning and afternoon together, munching exploring, giggling, all under the wise old boab. Gina and Mandy tell me the boab we been playing underneath is probably over a century old. I never been in the presence of a tree that exuded such spirituality.

Damn man, I feel for ya. Hope it goes quickly for you. Haven looked into the capo yet but i will. The English star, notwithstanding all questionable haircuts, would make a perfect addition to the Cal community. The occasionally sunny skies would certainly be a nice contrast to the years of gloom and rain she lived through in Oxford and on the East Coast at Brown. And even though it was the one sport she wasn’t too good at, she could give our eighth ranked Quidditch team a few extra pointers to help them prepare for the World Cup..

“To be successful in the consumer space, you need the look and feel of fashion glasses,” said Paul Travers, CEO of Vuzix, which has been making smart glasses (mostly for business applications) for many years. “Imagine a pair of glasses, and they connected cloud information to the world in front of you, and you didn’t look like a dork when you’re wearing it. That’s the ultimate goal.”.