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Ray Ban 4057

Madison Water Utility tested its four seasonal wells for dozens of types of PFAS over the summer and received results this week. The utility generally operates seasonal wells during the high demand summer and fall months. Results show that city’s four seasonal wells do have detections of the chemicals.

Is this weekend weird? Is it thoughtful? Is it complicatedly creative and rewarding in off kilter yet thoroughly satisfying (and maybe unnerving) ways? It is all of those things and more, starting with Twin Peaks coming back and a new chapter in the Alien series, a risky comedy from Yussuf El Giundi on the Artists Rep stage, QDoc taking over the Hollywood with some very finely curated content, a birthday tribute to an underrated genius, and a flood of pugs (nature’s cuddliest little mistakes) washing down Portland’s streets in a cacophony of farts and snurfles. Oh, and the Portland tradition of basically shutting down a quarter of the city to laze around on our bikes all Sunday triumphantly returns. It’s a full weekend; hit the links below and load your plate accordingly..

In other depressing news: The Berkeley City Council just raised parking fines $5 in order to help relieve California budget crisis. Fines on game days more than doubled. Rejoice, class of hopefuls! One more precious Saturday morning remains happily intact! However, getting caught up in sticking it to the boys over in Princeton, the UC left the Asian population out to dry..

The last witness for Tuesday was Christopher Weida. He said he and his son were parked in the front spot next to Macy’s. They were getting ready to leave and Weida had turned to look out the back passenger window to back out of the spot. Patients access their medical records and repeat medication online. Clinicians communicate with one another and with their patients virtually. And of course, patients complete online evaluations before receiving treatment.

Berkan revealed some astonishing when asked about bin Laden’s death in Pakistan on May 2 last year. He said: “Even if the entire world believed I could not possibly believe it.” “I personally know the Chechens who protected him, they are Sami, Mahmood, and Ayub, and they were with him until the very end. I remember that day very well, there were three sixes in it: 26 June 2006.

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