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Trump, special counsel Robert Mueller and House Democrats are arming themselves for an almighty political and constitutional tussle that will define the coming year, and possibly the current presidency itself.At stake is the system’s capacity to rein in an aggressive President, which will inevitably be seen by his fervent base as an attempt by elites to subvert a democratic election.If the contentious first few weeks of 2019 are any indication, the coming year will see Trump and counterweight forces in the US political system square off, as the partial government shutdown over the wall intensifies, Mueller inexorably marches toward the end of his investigation and Democrats flex muscle.The early stages of this skirmish were evident Thursday in signs the White House is preparing to assert an aggressive claim of executive privilege in the hope of preventing the public release of large swathes of Mueller’s final report.The White House counsel’s office is staffing up for the fight. Trump, meanwhile, appears to be moving toward declaring a national emergency on the southern border in order to bypass Congress and build his wall.Such a move would unleash a fresh constitutional argument and is likely to infuriate the President if the courts, as expected, step in to block his power play, igniting a long legal battle.Trump signaled he was ready to move ahead after the failure of the latest talks with congressional Democrats on solving the government shutdown.”If this doesn’t work out, probably I will do it, I would almost say definitely,” Trump said. “This is a national emergency.”For their part, House Democrats are taking the first steps in what will become a punishing oversight campaign in announcing that Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney who flipped on Trump, would testify in public next month.Tension among the three branches of government is a built in feature of the US system, and presidents from John Adams to Barack Obama have chafed at constraints on their power.But it is difficult to point to any time in the modern era when so many of the issues driving the national debate revolve around what a President can legally do, and the effectiveness of competing power bases in the federal system.Some of this can be put down to the character of Trump himself.

Jeg troede ellers, jeg var frdig med rets juleforberedelser, men det holdt kun til jeg lste Erics indlg. Den julekompot er ndt til at blive afprvet. Det er fint med traditioner, men det har nu heller aldrig skadet med indfrsel af nye varianter som da vi fx i 2016 indfrte, at det gjaldt om at f s mange mandler som muligt nr man spiser risalamande, og ikke kun den ene, som er det koncept, de fleste krer med.

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